The Legal and Tax Firm was born from the more than thirty years’ experience of Prof. Avv. Loris Tosi, around whom a group of the most valid and capable professionals and researchers have gathered. Together they have pursued the objective of forming a specialised firm, capable of offering the utmost competence in tax, contractual, corporate and criminal issues concerning economic and private operators.
For several years, Studio Tosi has been assisting and supporting numerous trade associations as well as various public bodies and institutions.
Competence and scientific preparation are never detached from the most important aspect of the profession, the relationship of trust with the client, who can count on the continuous and secure presence of a close-knit group of professionals.
Studio Tosi employs around thirty professionals, lawyers and accountants, and is fluent in English, French, German, Spanish and Russian.
Organised over the years to respond in the most effective way to clients’ needs and extend its field of action with the utmost competence, Studio Tosi is positioned at the centre of a dense network of small, medium and large companies, also with an international vocation, for which it is an instrument of important growth and development.
Studio Tosi is able to operate in any part of the world, extending its range of action to issues of international importance. In addition to its head office in Venice Mestre, Studio Tosi has other offices in Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Milan, Pordenone, Udine and Luxembourg.
Studio Tosi, aware of its social responsibility,
is committed to ensuring favourable conditions
for environmentally sustainable growth and makes
extensive use of recyclable materials.